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放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2013-04-17  瀏覽次數:97  【去百度看看】

   Established in April 1997 and after 20-years development,Huayang Group has already become the most powerful automotive sales Group in Jilin province. The company business includes nameplate automotive 4S shops,automotive logistics,automotive renting,automotive education,automotive inport and export,exhange of the second-hand automotives,construction,,estate and etc.Thanks to the company's strong finanicial strength and the fufiled managemnet system,the 4s shops were successfully opened with brands of BMW,Audi,FAW-VW,Hongqi,Hyundai,Toyota,Mazda,and etc They established a central part for car sales and after sales market with Huayang Logistics Company & Auto Institute. In the future, Huayang will focus on real estate, the production of auto parts, construction projects and production of building materials. With these efforts, Huayang will accomplish its final goal-to be listed.


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