$app = new Illuminate\Foundation\Application( realpath(__DIR__.'/../') );
實例化 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php類 該類的魔術方法
public function __construct($basePath = null) { if ($basePath) { $this->setbasePath($basePath); } $this->registerbaseBindings(); $this->registerbaseServiceProviders(); $this->registerCoreContainerAliases(); }
查看注冊 app 和container到 instances數組中
protected function registerbaseBindings() { static::setInstance($this); $this->instance('app', $this); $this->instance(Container::class, $this); }
查看今天主要的方法 instance
public function instance($abstract, $instance) { $this->removeAbstractAlias($abstract); $isBound = $this->bound($abstract); unset($this->aliases[$abstract]); // We'll check to determine if this type has been bound before, and if it has // we will fire the rebound callbacks registered with the container and it // can be updated with consuming classes that have gotten resolved here. $this->instances[$abstract] = $instance; if ($isBound) { $this->rebound($abstract); } }
第一個方法 removeAbstractAlias
protected function removeAbstractAlias($searched) { if (! isset($this->aliases[$searched])) { return; } foreach ($this->abstractAliases as $abstract => $aliases) { foreach ($aliases as $index => $alias) { if ($alias == $searched) { unset($this->abstractAliases[$abstract][$index]); } } } }
第二個方法: bound
public function bound($abstract) { return isset($this->bindings[$abstract]) || isset($this->instances[$abstract]) || $this->isAlias($abstract); }
第三個方法: rebound
protected function rebound($abstract) { $instance = $this->make($abstract); foreach ($this->getReboundCallbacks($abstract) as $callback) { call_user_func($callback, $this, $instance); } }
以上就是Laravel 5.5) 加載過程instance方法的詳細內容,更多請關注php中文網其它相關文章!